Ananas Logo Schlosshotel Münchhausen

Castle Schwöbber

We invite you to experience a rich history of over 450 years.

There are hundreds of curiosities/artifacts to discover. The first are those recovered during the renovation of the castle dating back to the darkest history.

The new Schloss Hotel is not simply a renovated ruin, but an unusual hotel with a rich history.

The historical building set in wonderful parklands is simply an oasis for those who seek to enjoy a pleasant, interesting and unique atmosphere.

Pineapple in Castle Park Schwöbber

Back in 1570, when Hilmar von Münchhausen converted the knight’s fortress in Schwöbber into an elegant castle, it became a collection point for many cultural antiques. They contribute to the unique ambiance of the castle. Explore, discover the wonders of Schlosshotel Münchhausen, its architecture, secrets and parks, with just one click on the photo or better still: come visit and see for yourself.

Live a Touch of History

The artworks and antiques add charme to what is central to our hotel: a warm welcome to all our guests. We wish your visit to become a wonderful memory, let our service and caring be a hallmark in the idyllic world of the Renaissance.

A Selection of Unique Plants and Trees in the Park

  • Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
  • Kadsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)
  • Ginko tree (Gingko biloba)
  • Siver maple (Acer saccharinum)
  • Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
  • Elm (Ulmus carpinifolia suberosa)
  • Christmas Berry (Photinia villosa)
  • Alpine Laburnum (Laburnum alpinum)
  • Black Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica)
  • Cut Leaf Beech (Fagus sylvatica laciniata)
  • Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
  • Yezo Spruce (Picea yezoensis)
  • White Oak (Quercus alba)
  • Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Blick auf das Standesamt im Schlossgarten


around 1570

Hilmar von Münchhausen starts to build the castle, the moats and the gardens.


Otto and his brother Burchard von Münchhausen take over the castle.


Tsar Peter the Great is interested in Europe’s largest plant collection and the orangery with its unique pineapple cultivation.


New layout of the park as one of the first typically English parks


The chapel is built.


The castle is the cultural center of the region and attracts many visitors.


The last resident moves out.


Friedrich Popken acquires the castle and converts it to a 5 star hotel.


Opens as Schlosshotel Münchhausen